AIM: First results of May 1993 call for proposals
A total of 87 proposals requesting an overall Community financial support of ECU 73 million were received in response to the May 1993 call for proposals in the context of Advanced Informatics in Medicine (AIM), Area 3 of the specific programme of RTD in the field of telematic systems in areas of general interest, 1990-1994. The call, (OJ No C 121 of 1.5.1993) which concerned proposals for the testing and validation of ongoing RTD activities in this domain, consisted of three parts. The Community contribution to the first two parts was to be in the region of ECU 7 million, and to the third part in the region of ECU 3 million. Though a number of very good proposals were submitted, financial constraints will necessitate a strict selection of only a limited number of projects, concerted actions and accompanying measures, and the extension of some contracts for ongoing measures. The recommendations of the evaluators studying the proposals received implied the spending of ECU 11.1 million. The proposals finance plan therefore represents a further reduction to ECU 10.1 million and a reserve list of four proposals representing a value of ECU 1.9 million. This reserve list will be considered only if the foreseen negotiations with some of the selected consortia fail or lead to further reduction of costs. - Shared cost projects (integration, interconnection and validation of key AIM projects): Twenty-eight proposals were received for this part. Of these, the evaluators recommended six projects for a total funding of ECU 5,734,000 plus one project put on a reserve-list. The retained proposals constitute a package which addresses the technological approach, regional and wide area interconnection, primary and secondary care, and relations with other programmes. The six projects integrate, connect or validate at least 14 of the 35 ongoing AIM projects as operative tests, with one of the selected projects providing the necessary framework. The Commission proposes to fund these projects to a total of ECU 5,124,000, subject to the outcome of negotiations. - Accompanying measures and concerted actions (the demonstration of results of their ongoing RTD efforts in health care telematics either supporting large scale demonstration activities or establishing and coordinating pilot added value services for health care providers): Thirty-one proposals were received, requesting a Community financial contribution of ECU 22.2 million. A total of six proposals were recommended for retention, with a Community contribution of ECU 2,400,000. Another proposal was put onto the reserve list. The retained proposals meet the objective and are seen to strengthen efforts in data collection, local or remote access to databases and standardization. The Commission proposes to fund these projects to a total of ECU 2,275,000, subject to the outcome of negotiations. - Extensions or strengthening of existing projects (to allow finalization of emerging products, promote common results and demonstrate viability of solutions): A total of 28 ongoing projects asked for extensions, representing requests for further Community funds totalling ECU 13.8 million. The evaluators recommended 15 extensions subject to a technical review (planned for October 1993) and one project was put on the reserve list. The Commission plans to propose 14 of the 15 projects for extension with a Community contribution of ECU 2,670,000, subject to the outcome of negotiations, and to put two projects on the reserve list.