European Foundation for Living and Working Conditions: Work Programme 1993
In September 1992, the European Foundation for Living and Working Conditions adopted the four-year rolling programme for 1993-1996. The programme is designed to take into account the developing situation in Europe and to build on the substantial growth experienced by the Foundation over the last few years. It is primarily characterized by the launching of a series of projects on new topics which have been identified as priorities to be further researched, developed and/or debated by the Foundation. In some cases, exploratory activities are necessary in order to define better the specific contribution which the Foundation could provide, thus preparing projects which could then be implemented in subsequent years. In particular, new themes are being approached and new projects developed in fields of: - Migration, living and working conditions and the role of social partners; - Flexi space/mobility of work; - Workplace Europe: Direct participation in organizational change; - Identification and assessment of occupational health strategies; - Design for health-information sources and design guides; - Ill-health and absenteeism; Initiatives for prevention; - Stress at work; - Job creation potential of sustainable development policies; - Environmental management training (industry and sustainability); - Innovations in the improvement of the urban environment; - Medium-sized cities and socioeconomic and environmental development in regions; - Equal opportunities practice in enterprises and organizations; - ACCEPT (Assistance in the Creation of Course Material for Enlightened Personnel and Technology Managers of the Future). At the same time, projects initiated during the previous programme have been identified as requiring further development during 1993-1996: - Consumer-oriented action in the public services; - Counselling and long-term unemployed; - Telehomeworking; - Information and consultation in transnational companies; - Monitoring occupational health and safety conditions in Europe; - Environmental perspectives and the quality of life, 1995-2010; - Information transfer towards countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, a number of small projects in some areas are being continued to keep the knowledge of the Foundation up-to-date. The Foundation is also now in a position to deliver results of research projects already completed. These activities will form part of the information/dissemination programme. In particular, a number of activities will aim to contribute to the European Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations (conferences and publications). The 1993 programme of work is presented in a 100-page publication setting out the areas of activity (social cohesion; access to employment, human relations with the company, health and safety, socioeconomic aspects of the environment, equal opportunities, programme of coordination and of exchange and dissemination). In this framework, projects are grouped into three kinds of activities: - Research and development; - Debate and discussion; - Information and dissemination. Thirty-one programme sheets are included, giving a detailed description of all new or developing projects. Information includes the project title, the theme and nature of activity, references to the Community programme or policy concerned, and the project's aims, background, content and implementation.