Equal opportunities for women - guidelines for the NOW initiative
On 18 December 1990 the Commission decided to establish an initiative promoting equal opportunities for women (NOW) in the field of employment and vocational training within the framework of the third medium-term programme on equal opportunities (1991-1995). Loans and grants may be provided by the Community to finance specific measures included in proposals for operational programmes/global grants submitted by Member States. Areas include: The creation of small businesses and cooperatives by women; guidance and advice, pretraining, training and access to employment with a view to professional reintegration; complementary measures. A total contribution of ECU 120 million from Community Structural Funds is estimated for the period 1990-1993.Correspondence should be addressed to: Mr. J. Degimbe, Director-General, Directorate-General "Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs" 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels.