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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Future Of Surface Transport Research Rail

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Roadmap to strengthen the research and innovation strategies of rail transport in Europe

An EU initiative enhanced collaborative European rail research and innovation (R&I) to boost the potential for developing rail into a major mode of transport in the near future.

A competitive, resource-efficient and high-quality future transport system is a significant component for European Technology Platforms (ETPs) to meet their Europe 2020 strategy goals. In line with this, the EU-funded FOSTER RAIL (Future of surface transport research rail) project set out to strengthen the R&I strategies in Europe. It expanded on the results of a previous project, ERRAC-ROADMAP, defining strategic R&I needs. Project partners developed rail business scenarios for the European rail system up to 2050, and made recommendations to exploit the standardisation potential for mainline and urban rail. Additional recommendations were put forth to strengthen the effectiveness of the European rail sector's R&I capacities by analysing the market uptake of previous research projects. They also assessed rail research projects mainly from EU-funded programmes. Researchers delivered a new Strategic Rail Research and Innovation Agenda (SRRIA) that lays down the sector's main objectives for rail research in Europe for the coming decades. It assists in guiding the sector's research efforts and the decisions of policymakers and other key stakeholders. In addition, the SRRIA sets out R&I priorities. The FOSTER RAIL team then produced 10 new and updated research roadmaps based on the SRRIA's outlook and vision. The project improved research cooperation between partners and ETPs, national railway technology platforms and other relevant decision-making bodies by considering their specific R&I strategies. It also provided recommendations for developing links and coordination strategies between Member States and Associated States. FOSTER RAIL will contribute to the development and innovation of the European rail system, and benefit the economy and individuals' well-being.


Research and innovation, rail transport, FOSTER RAIL

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