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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Development of Electrochemical Peptide Nanosensors <br/>for protein and antibody detection

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Nanosensors for protein detection

Never before has healthcare relied so much on rapid and reliable diagnostic tools. An international alliance worked towards this goal by developing new nanotechnology-based sensors for detecting markers in body fluids.

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Considering the multifactorial nature of disease, clinicians often have to obtain information on various levels to provide accurate medical diagnosis. This entails the complex analysis of various physiological, biochemical and molecular parameters. A number of automated systems and technologies have greatly facilitated diagnosis but more sensitive and high-throughput approaches are often required. In addition, diagnosis at the point-of-care would be greatly beneficial as it would expedite treatment decisions. In answer to this, the EU-funded PEPTIDE NANOSENSORS (Development of electrochemical peptide nanosensors for protein and antibody detection) project brought together an international and interdisciplinary group of research teams with expertise in protein biophysics, surface chemistry, electrochemistry and nanotechnology. The plan was to generate devices that offer rapid, specific and convenient detection of proteins in serum and ideally in whole blood. For this purpose, researchers proposed to utilise electrochemistry to recognise and monitor the binding-induced folding of peptides or polypeptides. They evaluated and studied a number of materials for electrochemical sensing including gold nanopartciles. Various surface analysis techniques were also explored for peptide sensing. Electrodes were modified with different redox labels such as methylene blue that facilitated the analytical characterisation of electrochemical sensors. The applicability of these sensors in the field of clinical analysis and point-of-care diagnostics is expected to improve diagnosis and in extrapolation health care provision. From a research perspective, PEPTIDE NANOSENSORS succeeded in establishing a network for research on peptide sensors, which can positively impact European excellence.


Nanosensor, protein, diagnosis, point-of-care, electrochemistry, blood

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