TEMPUS call for technical assistance
The Commission of the European Communities has published a call for tenders for technical assistance in the context of the TEMPUS programme for cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the republics of the former USSR in the field of higher education. Originally intended to assist the restructuring of higher education in Central and Eastern Europe, the TEMPUS programme, by Council Decision 93/246/EEC of 29.4.1993 has been extended by a four year period (1994-1998) and is now to cover those republics of the former Soviet Union wishing to participate. To assist in the implementation of this new Decision, the Commission seeks an organization to provide technical assistance for the management and coordination of TEMPUS from 1.9.1994 to 31.12.1998 on the basis of an annually renewable contract. Full tender details may be requested (not earlier than 25.10.1993) from: Commission of the European Communities Task Force "Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth" Attn. F.P. Kuepper 37 rue Joseph II (Office 4/20) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2955719