JRC Institute of Advanced Materials, 1992 Reports
Two Reports are now available from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Institute of Advanced Materials, Petten, on activities undertaken during 1992. The first of these two Annual Reports (both of which are intended to serve as reference documents) describes the scientific and technical achievements of the Institute in the five areas of activity: - Advanced materials (materials for extreme environments, reliability and life extension, measurement and validation methodologies, surface modification technology, materials information and data management); - Controlled thermonuclear fusion (fusion materials); - The supplementary (High Flux Reactor) programme (this report is in condensed form, as the full report is published separately); - Scientific and technical support to services of the Commission; - Exploratory research. The first two areas cover the JRC's contribution to, respectively, the specific RTD programme on advanced materials (BRITE/EURAM) and the specific RTD programme on controlled thermonuclear fusion. Each project is described individually: the text is supported by colour illustrations, graphs and photographs. A list of JRC publications is included, as well as information on the meetings and conferences which took place during 1992, a glossary of terms, plus a list of authors. The second 1992 Report covers the operation of the High Flux Reactor (HFR) at the Petten site (the third area of the Institute's activities described above). Topics include the operation, maintenance, development and support of the HFR, its utilization, general activities, quality assurance, plus a summary of 1992 projects, a list of relevant JRC publications, a glossary, and a list of authors.