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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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Consultancy and studies in the non-profit-making sector

The Commission of the European Communities calls for expressions of interest concerning consultancy or study contracts and contracts for pilot projects covering cooperatives, mutual societies and non-profit-making organizations which are SMEs or provide services to SMEs, in or...

The Commission of the European Communities calls for expressions of interest concerning consultancy or study contracts and contracts for pilot projects covering cooperatives, mutual societies and non-profit-making organizations which are SMEs or provide services to SMEs, in order to assist such organizations to respond to the dual challenge of economic development and social progress. A range of activities (described in the text of the call) is covered, in particular under the following headings: 1. The strengthening of the horizontal approach: - Improving knowledge of the sector, its contribution to the economy and its specific links to Community policies (the development of Community statistics plus studies on how to develop this sector in the Community); - The creation of a favourable environment and the evaluation of the impact of Community policies. 2. Specific measures to: - Encourage transnational cooperation by groups of partners and the search for new fields of activities and new markets; - Improve information; - Support training programmes; - Encourage scientific research and development; - Strengthen the role of the organizations in question as vehicles of Community policies (to propagate social innovation and to strengthen economic and social cohesion). The Commission invites interested parties with suitable experience and who are interested in bidding for contracts in any or all of the fields to express their interest in accordance with the procedure set out in the call. Only those who express interest and pass the preselection procedure will be invited to bid. For further information and an official model submission form may be obtained from: Commission of the European Communities DG XXIII Social Economics (XXIII/A-4) Attn. M.P. Ramadier 200 rue de la Loi (ARLN 80 3/32) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2951772; Fax +32-2-2952154 Completed expressions of interest should be submitted to: Commission of the European Communities DG XXIII Attn. Mrs. Y. De Ridder 200 Rue de la Loi (ARLN 80) B-1049 Brussels