EU database on road accidents
A EU database will be created to centralize statistics on road accidents causing death or injury in the Member States, following a Council Decision of 30 November 1993 (93/704/EEC). Member States shall communicate the data on accidents for a given year to the Statistical Office of the European Communities (SOEC) in terms of statistical units. Each Member State shall be responsible for the quality of the statistics it provides. This data is to be communicated for the first time before 31 March 1994 for the years 1991 and 1992 and for subsequent years not more than nine months after the end of the reference year in question. The Commission shall be responsible for disseminating the data received. It shall decide on the procedures for access to the statistics, on any publications, and on any other information conducive to the smooth operation of the database. Together with the Member States, the Commission shall examine any methodological or technical problems arising in connection with the establishment and transmission of the statistics or the way in which they are collected in order to find solutions which will gradually lead to the Member States' data being as comparable as possible.