Call for proposals for scientific and technical cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
The Commission has issued a call for proposals concerning scientific and technological cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The present call continues the action (begun in 1992) but aims to target it better to the technological and research needs of the countries concerned and to accentuate synergy with Community research. The projects involved are: joint research projects and scientific networks. Areas covered by the call include: Information technology, communication technologies, telematics and language engineering, manufacturing, production, processing and materials, measurements and testing, the agri-foodstuffs industry, and biotechnology. Participation is open to any natural or legal person established in a Member State of the European Union or in a Central or Eastern European country among the following: Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic. Applicants from the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan) may also receive financing from INTAS, the International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from countries of the former Soviet Union, and participate in this call. Proposals to participate in joint research projects must involve at least two parties from two different Central or Eastern European countries plus one from a Member State of the EU. Proposals for concerted action projects must involve at least two parties from two Member States within the EU and at least two from two Central or Eastern European countries. Priority will be given to proposals involving at least one industrial country. An information pack may be obtained from, and proposals must be addressed to: Commission of the European Communities DG XII/B-2 Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe 75 rue Montoyer B-1040 Brussels Fax +32-2-2963308