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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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Technology transfer database: CORDIS RTD-Results

One of the primary aims of the VALUE programme is to ensure the effective use of results from EC research programmes. Within this programme, the RTD-Results database on CORDIS is a key mechanism, used to facilitate industrial and commercial exploitation on a transnational basi...

One of the primary aims of the VALUE programme is to ensure the effective use of results from EC research programmes. Within this programme, the RTD-Results database on CORDIS is a key mechanism, used to facilitate industrial and commercial exploitation on a transnational basis. RTD-Results has three main purposes: - Information Exchange - Scientific and technical collaboration - Industrial/Commercial exploitation. The database covers scientific results arising from the EU's RTD-related programmes for the purpose of information exchange and also to encourage further scientific and technical research. Data collection activities, while continuing to cover scientific results, are currently focusing on technology offers from EU programmes, and on national, regional and sectoral data. Using RTD-results, researchers can announce their developments and know-how and form links with organizations with the necessary exploitation skills and experience. The database covers all area of science and technology, from biology and medicine, energy, environment, information technology and telecommunications to materials and industrial manufacturing technologies. A more precise means of classifying subjects within each of these areas is provided by coded descriptors, both for the area from which the result arises and for the potential area of market application. RTD-Results also enables the organization entering the data to specify the type of collaboration required, such as licensing opportunities and manufacturing agreements. Offers of technology are received from all EU and EFTA countries. They come not only from European Commission programmes, such as ESPRIT, BRITE/EURAM and COMETT but also from non-Commission sources including the private and public sectors, international, national, regional and independent institutions. Among the contributors are technology transfer companies, universities and other educational institutions, RTD organizations, service companies, consultancies, manufacturers, consortia and SMEs. Some recent additions to the RTD-Results database include research results from FLAIR (Food Linked Agro-Industrial Research), the ECSC ergonomics research programme, RACE (Research and Development in Advanced Communication Technologies in Europe) plus technology offers from the Technology Exchange (GB) and the Centro Estero Camere Commercio Piemontesi (IT). Forthcoming data includes results from the DRIVE 2 Programme and technology transfer opportunities from ARIST, the Midi-Pyrenees Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FR). RTD-Results provides an excellent opportunity to reach the 6,000 or more registered CORDIS users and to publicize technology offers on a European level. The offers can be sent individually using the RTD-Results entry form or may be submitted in other formats (such as disk or catalogue) for larger volumes of data. In addition, the technology offers on the database will receive active promotion in 1994 at key exhibitions, seminars and conferences throughout Europe. RTD-Results provides free high quality text searching for rapid and easy use, and currently contains information on over 8,000 results. The largest number originate in the United Kingdom, followed closely by Germany, France and Italy. Records are updated annually and out-of-date entries are deleted. Surveys have shown that users find the CORDIS RTD-Results database a powerful tool in many types of technology transfer deals.

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