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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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International Cocoa Agreement 1993

A Council Decision of 7 February 1994 establishes that the Community shall sign by 28 February 1994 the International Cocoa Agreement 1993 and will notify the United Nations Organization (UNO) of its intention to apply the Agreement provisionally. The International Agreement ...

A Council Decision of 7 February 1994 establishes that the Community shall sign by 28 February 1994 the International Cocoa Agreement 1993 and will notify the United Nations Organization (UNO) of its intention to apply the Agreement provisionally. The International Agreement aims to promote the development and strengthening of international cooperation in all sectors of the world cocoa economy. It will also contribute towards stabilization of the world cocoa market in the interest of all Members by seeking the balanced development of the economy in this field and assuring adequate supplies at reasonable prices. The Agreement has been reached in the light of the UNO "New Partnership for Development: The Cartagena Commitment" adopted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Inter alia, the Agreement will promote scientific research and development in the field of cocoa. The Council of the European Union may encourage and promote scientific research and development in areas of cocoa production, processing and consumption as well as the dissemination and practical application of the results obtained in this field. To this end the Council may cooperate with international organizations and research institutions.