Training and Mobility under the Fourth Framework Programme
The Commission released on 10 March 1994 a short description of each of the specific programmes within the Fourth Framework Programme. Included is an overview of actions for the support of the training and mobility of researchers to be implemented under Action Four of the Framework Programme. Stimulation of the mobility of researchers and the creation of European research networks will help provide the European Union with the necessary high potential for scientific and technological research. This programme aims to support cooperation and training initiatives proposed by the researchers themselves. With the emphasis on university/enterprise cooperation, the programme will also play an important role in the promotion of innovation, particularly in the less-favoured regions. Four types of action are included: - "Research networks", to establish "European laboratories without walls", each bringing together the efforts of at least five research teams on a common theme. Support will be given for meetings, experiments, exchanges of information. These networks must also ensure that their results are disseminated, particularly towards SMEs and less-favoured regions; - "Access to large installations", facilitating the access of university and industrial researchers to the European specialized, state-of-the-art laboratories; - "Research training", to allow European researchers to undertake training periods of three-months to three years outside their country of origin; - "Accompanying measures", including the organization of Euroconferences, courses, and evaluation of the programme. It should be noted that this programme will be open to all disciplines, including the theoretical and applied sciences, economics and the social sciences. No priority is defined, a "bottom-up" approach will ensure that the support provided reflects real needs by selecting proposals on the basis of their quality.