Support services for SMEs in border regions
Craft trades and small enterprises in border regions are facing problems in their cross-border activities because of non-harmonized national regulations in administrative, fiscal, social and technical legislation, which hinder their access to neighbouring markets. Directorate-General XXIII (Enterprise Policy, Distributive Trades, Tourism and Cooperatives) of the European Commission has launched a call for tenders for two initiatives to help remedy this situation. The purpose of the first action will be to set-up transborder services in terms of information, training, advice and accompaniment in support of craft firms and small enterprises that wish to extend their services to a bordering state. These services will be run jointly by public and private organizations representing the sector of craft firms and small enterprises on both sides of a border. Using their experience and know-how, these organizations should develop collective services on a long-term basis by founding a durable cooperation structure (such as an EEIG). The second action concerns the analysis of practical obstacles faced by craft trades and small enterprises wishing to enter cross-border markets. On the basis of practical obstacles encountered by enterprises, difficulties faced should be identified, the problems studied in detail and proposals made to limit constraints. The surveys may either focus on: - A particular sector, in which case different border regions should be included in order to be able to compare different situations and to identify the solutions arrived at in different Member States; - A single region, in which case more than 1 sector should be covered. Additional information may be obtained from: Commission of the European Communities, DG XXIII (Enterprise Policy, Distributive Trades, Tourism and Cooperatives) Rue d'Arlon 80, Unit B/3 B-1040 Brussels, Fax +32-2-2952154