Study of research results carried out under the First Joint Research Programme on Safety in the ECSC industries
The first Joint Research Programme on Safety in the ECSC industries, launched in 1989 under Article 55 (2c) of the ECSC Treaty, will end on 31 December 1994. The programme has provided total funding of around ECU 23 million for 117 research projects in the steel and mining industries and covered general safety requirements. The European Commission's Health and Safety Directorate, DG V/E, now intends to maximize the impact of this work and will award a tender to analyze the results of the projects. The objectives will be to: - Integrate the results fully into the industry's infrastructure and operations; - Identify new areas of research which address the safety needs of the steel and mining industries; - Maximize the benefit to be derived from Community initiatives. The Commission requires a competent organization with experience in the European coal and steel industry to undertake this work, which is expected to be completed by the beginning of 1996. The full text of the invitation to tender, all relevant documentation and further information may be obtained from: European Commission Health and Safety Directorate, DG V/E Mr B. Legoff Batiment Jean Monnet (C4/53) L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-430132788; Fax +352-430134511