Who is Who: People and organizations in the DELTA programme (1992-1995)
The TRIBUNE European Learning Technology Collection has just published "Who is Who: People and organizations in the DELTA programme (1992-1995)". The publication is part of the TRIBUNE series of publications. TRIBUNE is a DELTA project for the dissemination of information concerning European research and development in learning technologies activities. Through it's publications, TRIBUNE collects, analyses and informs on the developing opinions on education technologies in Europe. The publication provides information about the 201 organizations and people across Europe who are involved in research and development in the field of learning technology within the DELTA programme. The profile of each organization is provided followed by a description of the 30 DELTA projects in which these organizations are involved. The purpose, means, output and expected benefits of each project are presented. The document also provides brief information on the aims and objectives of DELTA, the programme's future perspectives, the list of official DELTA documents and useful addresses.