EDIFACT messages for social security
In the framework of the Community programmes IDA (Integration of Data between Administrations) and TESS/SOSENET (Telematics for social security), the European Commission has published a call for tender for the construction of a conceptual data model and a glossary of terms, and the development of EDIFACT messages. The call for tender covers two lots: - Lot 1: Construction of a conceptual data model and a glossary of terms for the exchange of information between social security institutions within the European Union. The development of a conceptual data model consists of the establishment of a list of all the terms used for the application of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71. This list will identify the nature (entities, attributes and qualifiers) of each term as well as the relations between them. The development of a glossary of terms concerns a functional definition, in each Member State, of each term identified within the data model. - Lot 2: Development of EDIFACT messages, based on Lot 1, and for the same purposes. The development of EDIFACT messages will be approached by defining message segments and data elements either common to more than one sector of social security, specific to only one sector of social security or specific to a particular message. Work will be carried out in each Member State of the European Union. Meetings and formal delivery of results will take place in Brussels under the responsibility of Directorate-General V (Social Affairs and Employment). Tenders and requests for information should be submitted to: European Commission Directorate-General for Industry DG III/B/5 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2990282; Fax +32-2-2990286