Experts required for services in the field of energy policy, economic research and study
The European Commission has published a call for expressions of interest from companies and individuals to provide specified services and supplies in the field of energy. The list resulting from this call will be used exclusively for contracts whose estimated value is below the limits of the public service contract directives concerned. The required services concern the following areas: - Economic research and study: . Establishment, adaptation, updating and operation of econometric, simulation and analytical models for short-, medium- and long-term forecasting; . Gathering and processing of basic data on energy market trends; . Historical and short-term observation of energy markets; . Evaluation of the present and future position of the energy market; . Macro-economic and social studies; . Development of economic scenarios. - General energy policy: . Research on and assistance with the preparation of energy policy; . Research on and assistance with the preparation of environment policy proposals related to energy; . Legal and fiscal research and assistance in the examination of laws and fiscal policies and their implications for the energy market; . Studies on technology and technological developments and the implications for the energy market; . Studies on the impact of energy and energy technology on: the environment, competitiveness of enterprises, living conditions and Community policies; . Research and assistance for proposals to finalize the internal energy market; . Research and assistance for proposals for harmonization of legislation impacting on electricity and gas; - Coordination of research and studies: . Under the responsibility of Commission officials, the coordination of research and studies, etc., in the above areas; . Advice on the organization and structuring of work carried out in any of the above areas. The above activities will cover all or some of the following areas of the world: - Western Europe; - Central and Eastern Europe; - Middle East (including Iran); - OECD countries; - Republics of the former Soviet Union; - Africa, especially North; - Latin America; - Asia, especially China, India and newly industrialized countries. The activities will cover all or some of the following: energy industry, solid fuels, oil, gas, renewable energy, electricity, nuclear and energy efficiency and substitution. All calls for tender will concern the provision of services. The results of the work are to be presented to the Commission in Brussels and/or Luxembourg. The list will be valid for a period of three years following publication of the notice. Expressions of interest should be submitted to: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy Office Terv 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2959105; Fax +32-2-2950150; Telex COMEU B 21877