European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work is established by Council Regulation (EC) No 2062/94 of 18 July 1994. Located in Bilbao, Spain, the role of the Agency will be to: - Collect and disseminate technical, scientific and economic information in the Member States in order to pass it on to the Community bodies, the Member States and interested parties. This collection will identify existing national priorities and programmes; - Collect technical, scientific and economic information on research into safety and health at work and disseminate the results of research activities; - Promote and support cooperation and the exchange of information and experience among the Member States in the field of safety and health at work, including information on training programmes; - Organize conferences, seminars and exchanges of experts from the Member States; - Supply the Community bodies and Member States with the available technical, scientific and economic information they require to formulate policies and legislation designed to protect the safety and health of workers; - Set up a network comprising the main elements of the national information networks, the national focal points and any future topic centres; - Collect and make available information on safety and health matters from and to third countries and international organizations; - Provide technical, scientific and economic information on methods and tools for implementing preventive activities, with particular attention to the problems of small and medium-sized enterprises; - Contribute to the development of future Community action programmes relating to the protection of safety and health at work.