New CORDIS archive launched
CORDIS, the Community Research and Development Information Service, now provides access to its archives via the new CORDIS Archive Index. The index makes it possible to surf older web pages on the CORDIS servers, which are no longer updated but may still contain useful information. The new service, which is easily reached through the CORDIS homepage, currently lists a number of sites including, for instance, a link to ACTS ('Advanced communications technologies and services'), a programme which was funded under the Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), the IMPROVING ('Improving human research potential & the socio-economic knowledge base') programme, which received funding from the EU under the Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) and others. Further links will be added as the service evolves. The archive index is a work in progress, aiming to ensure the most extensive access to the wealth of information stored on the servers since CORDIS went online in 1990.