Reactor safety programme: Activities in the area of source term analysis
In the framework of the Reactor Safety programme (1988-91) the Commission invites requests to tender by Community national organizations for research on LWR source term analysis. Subject areas are: integration of source term models in ESTER (European Source Term Research Package); information relating to boiling water reactors (BWRs) and to so-called advanced designs; fission product (FP) chemistry in support of the joint CEA/CEC Phebus FP programme. The indicative overall budget allocated by the Commission for the research is ECU 500,000. The Commission will bear 50% of the total research costs and, in the case of universities, 100% of the marginal research costs.Full details may be obtained from: Commission of the European Communities Attn. A. Markovina, Institute of Safety Technology Building 6 - Ispra Site I-21020 Ispra (VA) Telex 38 00 42/38 00 58; Tel. +332-789593; Fax +332-789045