Satellite transmission services
The European Commission, DG X, has published a call for tender for the supply of satellite transmission facilities (sound, video, data) for the information programme of the Commission. The notice covers the following areas: - Internal information, for the Offices, the regional antennae and the Delegations of the Commission; - External information between the institutions of the European Communities (the Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union); - Audiovisual media worldwide, grouped by geographical areas: - Western Europe; - Central and Eastern Europe; - North America; - The Arab world; - Latin America; - South-East Asia and Far East; - South Sea Islands. The origin of the signals will be: - Mainly the headquarters of the Commission; - Regularly the seat of the other institutions (Parliament and Council); - Occasionally any other location where a Community event may take place either inside or outside the European Community. The reception points will be: - Mainly the Offices and regional antennae of the Commission; - Regularly the seat of the other institutions (parllimant and Council); - Regularly the TV stations of the European Community; - Occasionally the Delegations of the Commission, mainly Moscow, Washington, Tokyo; - Occasionally, TV stations outside the European Community, grouped by geographical areas: Central and Eastern Europe, North America, the Arab world, Latin America, South-East Asia and Far East and the South Sea Islands. The market will also cover coding as well as possible encrypting. A written request (by fax) for documents may be sent to: European Commission Directorate-General X Information, Communication, Culture, Audiovisual Mr. Luis Irurzun-Gascue 200 rue de la Loi (T 120/2-102) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2999301 Completed tenders should be addressed to: Europea Commission Directorate-General for Information, Communication, Culture, Audiovisual (DG X) Unit X/2 "Planning, Budgets and Finance" Mr. Richard Weber 200 rue de la Loi (T 120/2-102) B-1049 Brussels