Commission requires R&D skilled staff
The European Commission is organizing a selection procedure to constitute a reserve list of qualified candidates for the recruitment of technical staff for activities relating to the European Union's scientific and technological policy and the Fourth Framework Programme. The Commission requires skilled staff (career bracket C5/C2) in the following fields: - Data-processing, office automation, telecommunications (COM/R/C/6); - Design: industrial, civil engineering, mechanical, CAD/CAM (COM/R/C/7); - Operation and maintenance of installations: heating, air conditioning, steam generators, control and measurement systems (COM/R/C/8); - Workshop: welder, milling machine operator, fitter, lathe operator, precision mechanic, numerical control operator, technical storekeeper (COM/R/C/9); - Electricity and electronics (COM/R/C/10); - Laboratory: physics, chemistry, biochemistry, radiation protection, instrumentation, metallography, mechanical testing, characterization of materials (COM/R/C/11); - Fire-fighters (COM/R/C/12). Duties involve technical support for the management or execution of research activities under the Community research programmes. A list of the fields of research covered by the Fourth Framework Programme (OJ No L 126 of 18.5.1994) and application forms may be requested in writing, quoting the number of the selection procedure concerned, from: European Commission Secretariat for Research Selection Committees SDME R2/51 75 rue Montoyer B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2962239/2993960