LIFE Information Package 1995
The European Commission, DG XI, has produced an information package on the Community's financial instrument for the environment (LIFE) and the priority actions to be implemented in 1995. The aim of LIFE is to contribute to the development and implementation of Community environmental policy and legislation by financing priority environmental actions in the Community. Specific objectives include: - Defining and promoting production models and behaviour consistent with the principles of sustainable development; - Demonstrating on a practical level the technical feasibility and economic effectiveness of the selected actions and models; - Supporting specific demonstration and pilot projects as well as horizontal information, education and training with the aim of exercising an influence on the economic actors by the implementation of practical examples; - Strengthening administrative structures. In 1995 LIFE will finance projects in the following priority fields: - Promotion of sustainable development and the quality of the environment; - Protection of habitats and nature; - Administrative structures and environment services; - Education, training and information; - Actions outside the territory of the European Union. The LIFE Information Package 1995 presents an introduction to LIFE and its priority actions in 1995. It contains vital information for potential project proposers, including who can participate in LIFE, how to write a project proposal, when and where to submit the proposal, and Commission appraisal procedures. Actions outside the territory of the EU are also covered. An annex presents the presentation forms for LIFE 1995 projects.