Call for proposals for the support of ICT-based e-infrastructures
The European Commission has published a call for proposals identified as "Infrastructure 2013 - 1'. The document is part of the latest set of calls published under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The call focuses on topic 1.1.2. of the activity 'Support to existing infrastructures' and more specifically on the topic 'ICT-based e-infrastructures'. This topic consists in supporting the deployment, operation and evolution of the pan-European high capacity and high-performance communication networking (GEANT) as well as the deployment of user-centric services in close articulation with the National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). Aiming to move towards the GEANT expert group 2020 vision, the projects should support the growing requirements of the knowledge community and ensure that GEANT remains at the forefront of innovation.To see the official call announcement, please consult: Participant Portal To see partnership requests for this call, please consult: CORDIS Partners Service