Synopses of CRAFT and Feasibility Award projects
In the framework of the industrial and materials programme (BRITE/EURAM II) under the Third Framework Programme, the European Commission, DG XII, has published a report on "CRAFT and Feasibility Awards", which presents the synopses of projects carried out under these two schemes. The report covers all the projects selected for funding by the Commission under the BRITE/EURAM II programme (1991-1994), within the framework of the two schemes specific to small and medium-sized enterprises, namely CRAFT and Feasibility Awards. The CRAFT scheme enables industrial SMEs with little or no in-house research capacity, from two Member States, to participate in EC-funded research carried out on their behalf by organizations with the required R&D capability. The Feasibility Awards scheme is open to single SMEs with the capacity to undertake the research required to determine the feasibility of an idea, which could ultimately be developed into a collaborative industrial research project. The report is divided into two parts: - Synopses of 173 CRAFT (Step 2) projects; - Lists on the 391 CRAFT Expansion Awards (Step 1) and the 268 Feasibility Awards.