WATCH I'M GUIDE: Keeping abreast of the information market
I'M GUIDE is the leading directory of electronic information products and services available in Europe. Hosted on ECHO (the European Commission Host Organization), it contains details of more than 3,000 databases, 2,200 CD-ROM products, 3,200 organizations and 1,200 brokers. ECHO has now produced a new WATCH I'M GUIDE, which enables users to access this wealth of information on CD-ROM as well as obtaining an online update via the same user-friendly interface. Searches of the I'M GUIDE database, which was produced in the framework of IMPACT, the Community programme for the establishment of an internal information services market, are carried out by completing a search form on screen, thus relieving the user of the burden of learning a command language. The main features of WATCH I'M GUIDE are as follows: - A single user interface for the CD-ROM and the online database; - Full Microsoft Windows compatibility, reducing the new user's learning curve; - Automatic handling of connection and disconnection procedures; - Powerful searching and browsing capabilities - the user simply points and clicks; - A vast array of searchable fields; - Saving and loading queries; - Easily customized screen display and download formats. The I'M GUIDE online database is free of charge. To access it, you need a valid user ID and a personal password. For details on how to obtain these, please contact ECHO (see below). The CD-ROM is also available from ECHO (price ECU 50).