Authorizations for State aid
A Commission notice concerns authorization for State aid, pursuant to Articles 92 and 93 of the EEC Treaty: Cases where the Commission raises no objections. Such authorization is published with regard to the following: - Italy: Soc. Aerospaziale Italiana pA, Naples (now Alenia SpA) in connection with eight EUREKA projects. State aid comprises a soft loan of ECU 28.1 million plus an interest subsidy grant of ECU 19.7 million. - Germany, Land of Schleswig-Holstein: Improvement of structures in favour of modern technologies (improvement of the economic structure of the Land in technological areas related to the environment, biology, energy, medicine, the sea, communications, information). The authorized budgetary appropriation totals ECU 10.9 million over two years. - Germany, Land of Rheinland-Pfalz: Programme for the improvement of environmentally friendly technologies (basic and applied research). The budget is established at ECU 490,000 for the two year period 1990-91.
Germany, Italy