Action in the field of regional or minority languages and cultures
The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for proposals for action in the field of regional and minority languages and cultures. In the context of a European Union which respects linguistic and cultural diversity, the European Parliament has adopted a number of resolutions on actions designed to support regional or minority language communities. Following these resolutions and the Parliament's initiative, the Commission is responsible for managing actions to support regional or minority languages and cultures. The languages intended to benefit from under this heading are the autochthonous languages traditionally spoken by a part of the population of any Member State of the EU. They do not include the languages of immigrants or artificially created languages. In view of the responsibilities of the Member States themselves and in full respect of the principle of subsidiarity, any activity having a political or statutory impact is ruled out. The main objectives are to: - Encourage initiatives in education, culture and information; - Safeguard and promote regional or minority languages and cultures; - Strengthen the European dimension and stimulate cooperation between all those seeking to preserve and promote these languages and cultures; - Improve the exchange of information and transfer of experience; - Systematize, improve or promote the teaching of regional or minority languages through all education channels, from nursery school to adult training. Priority will be given, within the limits of available resources, to activities and projects in the following areas: - Pilot teaching projects in the different levels of education; - Initial and continuing training of teachers, and adult training; - Publications for children and adults; - Production of teaching materials; - Work on standardization of language, lexicographical work and terminology; - Research action; - Conferences and seminars; - Cultural events; - Use of language through the media, such as the production of films, videos, radio and TV programmes; - Information networks and documentation centres; - Meetings between speakers of a given language situated in different EU countries. The meeting must have a cultural content and be designed to promote and safeguard the language. Proposals must be accompanied by an application for a grant. Proposal application forms are available from: European Commission DG XXII Mrs. O. Profili Regional or Minority Languages 200 rue de la Loi (B7 6/60) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2964258