A new Guidance Platform contributing to the safe development of nanomaterials
Within the framework of a safe and sustainable innovation in the field of nanotechnology, it is necessary to know the potential risks associated with the development and use of nanotechnology-based products. If we add to that the great variety of nanomaterials and how they interact in different environments, it becomes difficult to generate guidelines and protocols for action to prevent the potential associated risks. Therefore, Leitat coordinates the SAbyNA project that aims to create an online platform that serves as an easy-to-use guide for the industry working with nanomaterials and thus allows them to minimize risks for workers, consumers and environment. The final objective of the project is to organize, simplify and integrate the resources already available in a single platform (SAbyNA Guidance Platform) that allows the industry to incorporate the concepts of safety and sustainability in its innovation processes from the early stages of product design and taking into account all stages of its life cycle. This project is financed by the European Union in the framework of the Horizon 2020 framework with a budget of almost 6 million euros. It is led by the technology centre Leitat in Barcelona and counts 16 partners from 8 different countries.
Safe by design, nanosafety, nanomaterials, platform