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Content archived on 2023-04-17

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BiodivERsA Policy Briefs

BiodivERsA partners are committed to transferring knowledge and disseminating research results produced in projects they fund. Synthetising relevant scientific evidence and linking it up to major (European) policies, the BiodivERsA policy briefs are a key tool to inform decision making at all relevant scales. The BiodivERsA policy briefs also illustrate the high relevance and impact of BiodivERsA’s work, and of the research it funds across Europe.

Find our policy briefs: Policy briefs were published on the following themes: • Green infrastructure within agricultural landscapes strengthens the supply of ecosystem services. • Policy tools to manage synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services. • Measures to increase ecosystem resilience and avoid tipping points. • Action on invasive alien species should better anticipate climate change effects on biological invasions in Europe. • The CAP can strengthen biodiversity and ecosystem services by diversifying agricultural landscapes. • Wildlife diseases on the increase: a serious threat for Europe’s biodiversity. • Conservation of threatened insects in Europe: managing habitats for land use and climate change adaptation. • Natura 2000 and Europe’s forests: understanding and tackling implementation challenges. • Conservation of small mammals and associated ecosystems: the importance of European policies and actions. • Nitrogen pollution and climate change reduce carbon storage and biodiversity of peatlands. • Adaptation of trees and forests to climate change: the importance of genetic variability.


Biodiversity, BiodivERsA, Policy Briefs, Common Agricultural Policy, CAP, Green infrastructures, Climate Change, Policy tools, Ecosystem services, Wildlife diseases, Conservation, Mammals, Forests, Natura2000