European Funding Academy - covering the full life cycle of an R&I project from the conceptual phase till financial audits
We invite researchers, research managers, grants offices, TTOs, project managers, financial managers and fundraising specialists from universities, research institutions, SMEs, industry as well as CSOs and public bodies to join this brand-new program to get a complete insight to Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. Live webinar courses (complemented with e-learning and live Q&A sessions) through 7 days from proposal writing to post-project financial audits: *22-23 October 2020: Writing a successful R&I proposal *27 October 2020: Introduction to Horizon Europe *28-29 October 2020: Managing Efficiently an R&I project *9-10 November 2020: Financial rules of H2020 and Horizon Europe Detailed agenda is available here: More information about the Academy is available here:
Horizon 2020, H2020, Horizon Europe, webinar, online course, proposal preparation, proposal development, audit, project management, financial reporting, EU project, EU funding, EC, coordinator, project partner