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Content archived on 2023-04-17

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"INNTERESTING consortium aims to double the production speed of new wind components through hybrid validation methods"

The WindEurope Bulletin March 2020 included among its Members' News section a brief article about INNTERESTING, giving a brief overview of the project and mentioning its main objectives. It was published on 8 March 2020 and it had a great impact among the viewers. "The INNTERESTING project aims to accelerate wind energy technology development and to extend the lifetime of wind turbine components by developing innovative virtual and hybrid testing methods for prototype validation of pitch bearing and gearbox components. The INNTERESTING consortium (Innovative Future-Proof Testing Methods for Reliable Critical Components in Wind Turbines) is coordinated by the Basque Technology Centre IKERLAN. The project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, is focused on the development of new concepts and technologies for larger turbines. This includes disruptive technologies for new pitch bearings and gearboxes, and a third case for significantly extending the lifetime of existing pitch bearings. It will also define a new hybrid methodology to demonstrate the reliability of these systems without the need to build new large and expensive test-benches. INNTERESTING was officially launched in January 2020, gathering partners from Spain, Belgium and Finland."


Wind Energy