Authorizations for State aid for RTD
The Commission gives notice of authorization for State aid pursuant to Articles 92 and 93 of the EEC Treaty (Cases where the Commission raises no objections). These comprise: - Federal Republic of Germany: Aid over a 5 year period to encourage R&D in the five new Laender, including East Berlin; - Italy: Aid to Philips SpA (Milano) in the context of EUREKA project 95: HDTV (Development of new technology for high-definition images); - France: Collective action in favour of SMEs (aid to improve the business environment); - France: Programme of R&D aid for the development of HDTV (Thomson), providing direct grants worth ECU 366 million between 1990 and 1995; - Federal Republic of Germany: Joint memory R&D project (Siemens AG), with a budget of ECU 29.3 million (1990/1991).
Germany, France, Italy