Call for Abstracts: “Addressing Global Challenges Together: The Role of Science Diplomacy”
Delegates who would like to present their work at the meeting taking place from Monday 15th March 2021 to Friday 19th March 2021, are invited to submit an abstract for the satellite sessions. Stakeholders’ Parallel Sessions are directed to high-profile European Union or national government representatives, distinguished science diplomacy practitioners, leading non-state institutions in the field, and so forth. These sessions can be proposed as 45 or 90-min meetings, which can be supported by different formats: a panel roundtable with different speakers, a set of oral communications delivered by different presenters, a combination of oral communications and a panel roundtable, and so forth. The Science Diplomacy Community Flash Talks are directed to PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, as well as practitioners and policy officers, to present their research on science diplomacy or a particular scheme or practice. Selected applicants will give a 5-min oral communication. This session will consist of different sets of 5-min presentations followed by a 10-min Q&A. Abstracts for both, Stakeholders’ Parallel Sessions and Science Diplomacy Community Flash Talks, are accepted on a wide range of topics in science diplomacy. The applicant has to select the topic that best accommodates the scope of the session/talk on the submission form. Available topics are: >> Knowledge: it comprises abstracts focused on deconstructing the permanent and ad-hoc scientific advisory mechanisms in place to address global challenges, and to operate and prepare ourselves for upcoming global threats. It also involves the theoretical and empirical understanding of science diplomacy as a practice. >> Governance: it comprises abstracts focused on identifying what kind of global, regional, national and subnational governance coordination mechanisms will be able to trigger a successful multilateral response for the future. It is a section focused on the role of governmental stakeholders at all levels of governance. >> Alliances: it comprises abstracts focused on alliances established between multiple government and non-governmental stakeholders that can ensure successful science diplomacy responses in times of global challenges. >> Institutions: it comprises abstracts focused on showcasing successful practices from hybrid institutions of all kinds that operate at the science diplomacy boundaries, and its presence within the research and academia sector. >> People: it comprises abstracts focused on a discussion about the training of current and future professionals to liaise in the interface between science and diplomacy. More information about the event: >> Links for abstract submission: >> Stakeholders’ Parallel Sessions: >> Science Diplomacy Community Flash Talks: Deadline: 10th January 2021 Abstracts cannot be edited after submission. In case of questions, please get in touch with us at The S4D4C Evaluation Committee will judge the submissions according to the relevance to the overall theme of the meeting, ensuring diverse participation with a global impact. The S4D4C Evaluation Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse any abstract. Submitting authors will be notified during the week of 1st-5th February whether their abstract has been accepted, and they will be informed at the same time about the date and time of their presentation. All notifications will be sent out to the e-mail address given on the submission form.
science diplomacy, international cooperation, global challenges, research policy