Statement in support of the Commission’s plans to boost organic aquaculture
In Action 17, the Commission lists important paths for reinforcing organic aquaculture from 2022. They are: Starting in 2022, the Commission intends to: support research and innovation on alternative sources of nutrients, breeding and animal welfare in aquaculture; the promotion of investments on adapted polyculture and multi-trophic aquaculture systems; and the promotion of hatcheries and nurseries activities for organic juveniles; and identify and address as appropriate any specific obstacles to the growth of EU organic aquaculture. (European Commission, 2021: 18) FutureEUAqua’s project coordinator, Åsa Espmark, says that she welcomes and supports the initiative on behalf of the project consortium. «Based on our previous work in the OrAqua project, and present work in FutureEUAqua, the Commission’s points are in line with what we regard as important bottlenecks for the further development of organic aquaculture in Europe,» Espmark says. * Organic Action Plan: * Commission press release:
organic, aquaculture