ReachOut test{fest}: try Europe's Leading Edge Software, win Honours and Monetary Prizes
OW2, the international community dedicated to developing and promoting a code base of open source software for corporate information systems, invites beta testers to explore new and innovative software in the ReachOut test{fest}. In return for their efforts, they will be able to interact with designers and receive monetary rewards of up to €30, €60 or €90 per evaluation, a Software Ranger certificate, a nomination to the ReachOut Hall of Fame and, for one of them, a ReachOut Special Award presented at OW2con'21, the next annual OW2 conference to be held, online, on 23 and 24 June 2021. To participate remotely in the ReachOut test{fest}, which runs from 13 April to 13 June 2021, testers must follow the instructions provided on the contest webpage: The profile of participants and their system requirements vary according to the test campaigns offered, from a simple smartphone business user to a beginner or advanced developer, to the professional tester. Anyone with a keen interest in digital innovation can take part, simply by following the steps offered online and then completing a full evaluation form about the user experience, features in place, or encountered difficulties. After June 13th 2021, the ReachOut test{fest} will be over, but testers will still be able to participate in active campaigns, interact with designers, receive rewards for their efforts and enter a prize draw for a special ReachOut prize awarded at the end of 2021. About ReachOut ReachOut is a coordination and support action funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, coordinated by Fraunhofer FOKUS - the largest applied research organisation in Europe, together with UshareSoft and OW2. ReachOut acts as an operational intermediary between software developers and early adopters. ReachOut helps SMEs and research projects to implement their beta-testing campaign with appropriate software packaging, an efficient test scenario and a customised questionnaire. About OW2 OW2 is an independent community dedicated to promoting open source software and to fostering a vibrant community and business ecosystem. OW2 federates 100+ organizations and 6000+ IT professionals worldwide. OW2 hosts 100+ technology projects, including: ADR App, ASM, AuthzForce, CLIF, DocDoku, FusionDirectory, GLPI, JORAM, Knowage, LemonLDAP:NG, Lutece, OCS Inventory, Petals ESB, Prelude, ProActive, Rocket.Chat SAT4J, SeedStack, Sympa, Telosys, Waarp, WebLab and XWiki. Visit follow us on Twitter @ow2