Call for proposals for Environment and Climate programme: shared-cost and concerted actions
The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for proposals for RTD actions for the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration, in the field of environment and climate (1994-1998). In conformity with Article 5.1 of the Decision adopting the specific programme, a work programme has been drawn up by the Commission setting out in detail the objectives and the types of projects to be undertaken, and the financial arrangements to be made for them. The objectives and the research, technological development and demonstration work addressed by the present call for proposals concern the areas described in the work programme. Legal entities covered by Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Council Decision concerning the rules for participation in the specific programmes, as well as the JRC, are invited to submit proposals for RTD actions in the following areas: - Theme 3: Space techniques applied to environmental monitoring and research; - Area 3.1. Methodological research and pilot projects; - Area 3.1.1. Methodological research; - Area 3.1.2. Pilot projects. The research and technological development work will be the subject of shared-cost actions (research projects and technological stimulation measures) and concerted actions in accordance with the modalities for implementation defined in Annex III of the Council decision adopting the aforementioned specific programme. The Community's contribution to shared-cost RTD projects will normally not exceed 50% of the total costs, with progressively lower participation the nearer the project is to the marketplace. Those universities and other institutions which do not have analytical budget accountancy will be reimbursed on the basis of 100% of the additional costs. The Community's contribution to concerted action projects may cover up to 100% of the coordinating expenses. As a general rule, RTD actions should involve at least two non-affiliated partners from different Member States and one Associated State. The proposals will be subject to a selection base on the criteria set out in Annex II of the Fourth Framework Programme, and at Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Council Decision on the rules for participation in the specific programmes. The RTD actions will be the subject of contracts with respect to the Council Decision on the rules for participation to specific programmes, and their results will be disseminated on the basis of the principles set out in the Council Decision concerning the rules for the diffusion of results of research arising from specific programmes of research, technological development and demonstration of the European Community. The proposals must be sent to the Commission before 15 September 1995 (12.00) local time. Technology stimulation (TS) actions to encourage and facilitate participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in RTD actions: - An award will be granted which will cover up to 75% of the cost of the exploratory phase, without exceeding ECU 45,000; Community funding for cooperative research projects, involving at least two non-affiliated SMEs from at least two different Member States or one Member State and one Associated State, will normally cover 50% of the costs of the research. Proposals for exploratory awards or cooperative research projects are subject to a continuously open call and can be submitted from the date of this call up to the final date specified hereafter: - Proposals for an exploratory award, with a view to submitting at a later stage a complete proposal for an RTD project or a cooperative research project: 12 June 1996 (12.00); - Proposals for a cooperative research project: 27 March 1997 (12.00). Proposals for RTD actions resulting from an exploratory award must be submitted by the regular deadlines for proposals for RTD actions. The plan for the design of the Centre for Earth Observation (CEO) is scheduled for approval towards the end of 1995. It is expected that the first call for proposals related to the CEO will be issued in December 1995. However, the proposers of projects selected for possible funding under the present call may be asked during the negotiation phase to take account of the CEO in the execution of their work. The package containing the detailed information about procedures for the submission of proposals, the work programme and an example of the standard contract that will be established with successful proposers is available on written request, facsimile admitted, from the Commission's services. Descriptions of work undertaken in earlier related programmes are also available on request. All correspondence concerning this call, as well as the proposals for RTD actions, should be sent to: European Commission DG XII/D "Environment and Climate - RTD" 75 rue Montoyer B-1040 Brussels Fax +32-2-2-2963024 Telex COMEU B21877