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Content archived on 2022-11-18

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European Union biomedical and health research: The BIOMED I programme

The European Commission, DG XII, has published "European Union biomedical and health research: The BIOMED I programme". It contains the summaries of 400 completed or on-going research projects supported by the European Union within the Biomedicine and Health programme (BIOMED...

The European Commission, DG XII, has published "European Union biomedical and health research: The BIOMED I programme". It contains the summaries of 400 completed or on-going research projects supported by the European Union within the Biomedicine and Health programme (BIOMED I) of the Third Framework Programme for RTD activities. Information on each project includes a brief description, key words, objectives, as well as the project leader and participants. The main areas covered by the projects are: - Development of coordinated research on prevention, care and health systems; - Major health problems and diseases of great socio-economic impact; - Human genome analysis; - Research on biomedical ethics.