Life sciences and technologies for developing countries (STD III)
Following Council Decision 91/366/EEC on the specific programme in the field of life sciences and technologies for developing countries (Official Journal No L 196 of 19.7.1991) proposals are invited for shared-cost RTD projects and accompanying measures in two areas. Area I: Improvement of living conditions (reduction of food shortages; the development of agricultural production of high economic value). Area II: Improvements in health (prevention and treatment of the predominant diseases in the developing countries; health care systems appropriate to the rural or urban environment of the developing countries; nutrition).Detailed information and rules are obtained from: Commission of the European Communities, DG XII/G- 4 Division "Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries" 75 rue Montoyer, B-1040 Bruxelles Tel. +32-2-2351731; Telex 21877 COMEU B; Fax +32- 2-2363308