Landfill of waste
On 23 April 1991 the Commission submitted a proposal for a Council Directive on the landfill of waste (COM(91) 102). It applies to landfills for: Hazardous waste; municipal, non- hazardous and compatible wastes; inert wastes. Annexed requirements for each category must be complied with to avoid environmental damage. A further Annex details requirements and procedures concerning application for a landfill permit. Member States shall ensure that a permit is issued only when conditions set out in the body of the text are fulfilled. The proposal also considers: Wastes not acceptable in a landfill; waste accepted in the different classes of landfill; acceptance procedures; control procedures (operation and aftercare); closure procedure; rules for existing sites; landfill costs; financial guarantees on the part of the operator. Member States shall comply with the proposed Directive within one year of its notification, and shall report yearly on implementation.