Inter-regional cooperation and innovative development actions
The European Commission, DG XVI, has published an open call for tenders for the provision of assistance with the implementation of the European programme on inter-regional cooperation and innovative development actions. The Commission wishes to enlist the support of two organizations with an international vocation, preferably from a grouping, to assist it with the implementation of pilot projects in the areas of: - Regional and local innovative actions; - Internal inter-regional cooperation. Each selected organization will be responsible for: - Preparatory work for calls for proposals and the management of applications; - Follow-up, including financial follow-up, of pilot projects and the setting-up of the corresponding computer file; - Drawing up of reports, for the Commission's attention, on the implementation of the programme, projects within the programme and their impact as compared with the objectives aimed for; - Administrative management of the experts appointed by the Commission to help with the selection, technical support and project evaluation; - Various other activities and communication actions. Request for tender documentation should be sent to: European Commission DG XVI Regional Policies and Cohesion Unit A-2 200 rue de la Loi (CSM1 7/43) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2968946/2953376; Fax +32-2-2962473 Completed tenders should be sent to the same address.