Study on public contract service networks
The European Commission, DG XV, has published a call for tenders for the completion of a study on public contract service networks. For each Member State of the Union, the study should: - Give an overview of the requirements, particularly of SMEs, with regard to the services of the Commission; - Examine experiences, particularly of SMEs, with regard to participation in award procedures for public contracts (calls for tender, etc.); - Carry out an evaluation of the efficiency of information and support services giving out commercial and technical information aimed at helping companies participate in public contracts. This should include highlighting any structural, technical or human resource deficiencies in these services; - Make proposals for targeted actions for the balanced development of public contract service networks, taking account of geographical, sectoral and structural needs, with a view to encouraging cooperation and interoperability between the organizations concerned. Tender specifications may be obtained from: Commission of the European Communities DG XV - Budget Mr Ferreira DG XV/B-3 200 rue de la Loi (C100 1/131) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2969255; Fax +32-2-2960962 Completed tenders should be sent to: European Commission DG XV - Budget 200 rue de la Loi(C107 6/5) B-1049 Brussels