CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2022-11-18

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The Council's position on an action plan to prevent AIDS and other communicable diseases

The Council has adopted a common position supporting a five-year programme of Community action to prevent AIDS and certain other communicable diseases, continuing activities under the current AIDS programme which expires at the end of 1995 and extending it to other communicabl...

The Council has adopted a common position supporting a five-year programme of Community action to prevent AIDS and certain other communicable diseases, continuing activities under the current AIDS programme which expires at the end of 1995 and extending it to other communicable diseases. A budget of ECU 49.6 million is proposed for activities designed to help reduce mortality and morbidity due to communicable diseases and reduce the risk of infection by the AIDS virus or other infectious diseases. Actions for HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases will be directed at data collection, measures concerning children and young people, prevention of transmission, social and psychological assistance and combating discrimination. Actions for certain communicable diseases in general will be directed at measures linked to vaccination, creation and development of networks, information, education and training and early detection and screening.

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