Proposals on IMPACT II, EUROTECNET II, FORCE, SAVE, fission safety
On 11-12 July 1991 the European Parliament reached Decisions, in four cases, amending Commission proposals for: A Council Decision setting up a programme for an information services market (IMPACT II) (OJ No C 53 of 28.2.1991) ; a Council Decision amending two previous Decisions in order to establish an Advisory Committee for continuing training embracing FORCE and EUROTECHNET (OJ No C 24 of 31.1.1991); a Council Decision on a specific RTD programme in the sphere of nuclear fission safety (OJ No C 247 of 2.10.1990); a Council Decision concerning the promotion of energy efficiency in the Community (SAVE) (OJ No C 301 of 30.11.1990). Texts of the Parliament's Decisions concerning the above Commission proposals, together with the texts of the amendments incorporated in the adopted Decisions, are now available in the Minutes of the sittings (OJ of 16 September 1991).