Publication of ESPRIT '91 Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the 1991 ESPRIT Conference (entitled "ESPRIT '91. Proceedings of the Annual ESPRIT Conference, Brussels, 25-29 November 1991") will be published on 29 November by the Commission's DG XIII Unit for Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge. The 900-page document contains articles on some sixty projects and basic research actions undertaken by the European Community's ESPRIT programme for RTD in the field of Information Technologies. Areas covered include: Microelectronics, Information Processing Systems and Software, Advanced Business and Home Systems Peripherals, Computer Integrated Manufacture and Engineering, the new Open Microprocessor Systems initiative and Basic Research. The English-language publication (EUR 13853 EN, ISBN 92- 826-2905-8), priced at ECU 65, can be ordered from the Office for Official Publications.