Training and pilot projects on accidental pollution at sea
The Commission calls for expressions of interest in carrying out training courses and pilot projects in the field of accidental pollution at sea. In the field of training, the Commission invites proposals to be carried out in 1992 and 1993 in the following areas: Community courses on combating accidental pollution at sea (for high-level national and/or regional officials, on-scene commanders or operational team leaders from each maritime Member State); national courses aiming to improve the response capabilities of strike teams in the Member States. In each case, courses may be general or specialized. The Commission will also finance pilot projects designed to evaluate clean-up operations in coastal areas polluted by hydrocarbons, to include: Existing techniques, efficiency, costs, optimal and minimal conditions of application; equipment, costs, efficiency and conditions of use; products used, efficiency and environmental impact, evaluation of methods for the application of products; training aspects. The results of the evaluation should be incorporated in an operational guide.Further information may be obtained from: Mr. A. Barisich, Commission of the European Communities Directorate-General for the Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection rue de la Loi, 200, Office B-34 2/14 B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2351727; Fax +32-2-2361093