Council action on three specific RTD programmes and JET
At its session of 28 October 1991 ("Research"), the Council reached common positions on Commission proposals for three specific RTD programmes under the Third Framework Programme. To be formally adopted by the Council after linguistic and legal finalisation of the texts, and then to go before the European Parliament for second reading, the three common positions concern: Human capital and mobility (with an estimated budgetary appropriation of ECU 488.07 million); Nuclear fission safety (ECU 35.64 million); and Biotechnology (ECU 162.36 million). With regard to Commission proposals for the RTD programme in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion and modification of the statutes of the Joint European Torus (financial appropriation estimated at ECU 411.84 million, including JET), the Council established a favourable position while awaiting the opinion of the European Parliament.