User support for Centre for Earth Observation programme
The European Commission has published an invitation for expressions of interest within the framework of its Centre for Earth Observation (CEO) programme. The CEO programme aims at enhancing the exchange of information and data between earth observation service providers and users. Within the programme, the user support component comprises actions and measures to help the CEO participants to benefit from earth observation to meet their professional goals. Many of the current problems that users have, and possible solutions to these, were identified during the Pathfinder phase, completed in December 1995. The invitation for expressions of interest seeks to supplement this information. Organizations in Europe, whether research, governmental or commercial, are invited to send a letter of interest. This can include opinions on how to enhance the usage of earth observation, and expressions of ideas and interest in the problems that the CEO user support component should tackle. Information received from this invitation will be evaluated together with the results of the Pathfinder phase. Two forms of further action are envisaged: - Where effort is needed to derive a consensus of a "common need", appropriate groups of users will be established to discuss problems and possible solutions. Such groups or "user fora" may concentrate on specific applications, geographical areas or data types. The goal is to achieve a common definition of a problem and a first assessment of solutions; - Where the "common need" is already established; there are certain problem areas that are already well known and have been widely discussed, such as those identified during the CEO Pathfinder phase. Some of these problem areas will be directly selected for the CEO work programme in 1996-1998, including appropriate contract awards. Invitations to tender to related activities will be sent in due course to those who have expressed an interest in participating. Organizations wishing to respond are invited to send an outline of their expression of interest (maximum of two typed pages) using the following headings: - Description of the interest or problem area; - Users and/or customers that would be helped; - Suggested solutions to the problem; - Suggested role of the CEO; - Suggested roles of appropriate European organizations (if any). Applicants are requested to send their response to this call to: Space Applications Institute CEO Unit Expressions of Interest Joint Research Centre TP 441 I-21020 Ispra (VA)