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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Community Fund for Tobacco Research and Information

The European Commission, DG VI, has published an invitation to tender for projects eligible under the Community Fund for Tobacco Research and Information. This Fund is governed by the provisions of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2427/93 of 1 September 1993, which lays down de...

The European Commission, DG VI, has published an invitation to tender for projects eligible under the Community Fund for Tobacco Research and Information. This Fund is governed by the provisions of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2427/93 of 1 September 1993, which lays down detailed rules concerning the Fund (OJ No L 223 of 2.9.1993). Under these provisions, the Commission provides financial support for research and information projects which come within the fields referred to below. In particular, the Commission invites offers for projects which could be eligible under the abovementioned Regulation and, in particular, for projects which cover the following areas: - The improvement of public awareness, especially that of young people, of the harmful effects of tobacco use, through information and health education; - The analysis of options available for the prevention of the harmful effects of tobacco use, mainly through health information and education; - The steering of tobacco production towards the least harmful varieties, qualities or tobacco products through new cultivation or drying methods, by practices restricting the use of plant health products, or by the introduction of new varieties. With regard to research, projects will be considered in the light of: - Their particular interest in terms of the innovations sought; - Their aptitude for practical application. With regard to information, they will be required to: - Provide tobacco growers and/or consumers effectively with objective information; - Demonstrate their originality, practicability and effectiveness in the short term. Priority will be given to projects that can have a speedy impact on production and those that provide for rapid dissemination among producers of the know-how and results obtained. Research and information projects may be carried out over a period of one year or more which may not, however, exceed five years from the date the contract is signed. Priority will be given to projects with a Community dimension requiring the cooperation of natural or legal persons established in more than one Member State. Proposals must be submitted using a special form available from: European Commission DG VI/E-3 Unit "Tobacco, hops, potatoes and other specialized crops" 130 rue de la Loi B-1040 Brussels Fax +32-2-2954469 Proposals must be sent to the same address.